Delivery and Payment for Orders
Food delivery from SUNRISE FOOD combines speed, quality, and convenience. Simply order your favorite dishes online, and we’ll make sure they arrive fresh and delicious. Enjoy our service anywhere in the city!
Delivery Zones
Payment for Orders
At SUNRISE FOOD, we’ve made the payment process as convenient as possible. You can choose from a variety of secure payment options to complete your order quickly and effortlessly.
Refund Policy
We strive for the highest quality standards to ensure every order brings you satisfaction. However, if you encounter an issue, we are ready to resolve it promptly. Contact us within 24 hours, and we’ll review your case quickly, offering either a refund or a replacement dish to ensure your satisfaction. We value your trust and do everything to resolve any situation quickly and comfortably for you. SUNRISE FOOD — not just delicious dishes but also a service that’s always on your side.