Shrimps in Spicy Sauce
Juicy shrimps in a spicy sauce that adds a pleasant heat. A perfect choice for those who enjoy bold flavors.
Nutritional value
- Calories
- 689 kcal
- Protein
- 29 g
- Fats
- 59 g
- Carbohydrates
- 11 g
200 g
- Shrimp
- Sweet Chili Sauce
- Lemon
- Arugula
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Delivery usually takes 30 to 59 minutes.
The time may vary depending on the size of your order.
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Convenient payment options
Online on the website: Visa, MasterCard, ApplePay, GooglePay.
To the courier upon delivery: Visa, MasterCard, cash.
Shrimps in Spicy Sauce – A Perfect Flavor Balance
Shrimps in spicy sauce are a perfect choice for those who enjoy bold flavors. This dish combines the delicate texture of shrimp with the right amount of heat, creating a flavorful and satisfying experience. Great for lunch or dinner, it delivers an intense and balanced taste.